One's thoughts must be directed to the future . 一个人应当考虑未来。
His cares had been directed to the understanding and manners . 他把心用到了提高智慧和应酬礼貌上。
Water from deep well is directed to thirsty cattle and parched crops . 深井里的水输送给干渴的家畜和焦干的庄稼。
Their main effort is directed to stratigraphy and structure of outcrops . 他们的主要精力放在研究天然露头的地层情况与构造上。
The girls were directed to put any extra pennies they might have towards church missions . 女孩们听到教导,要她们节约每一个铜板去帮助教堂搞各项活动。
The video signal is directed to the crt through a sound trap which eliminates the sound-carrier frequency . 视频信号通过声音陷波电路,消除声音载波频率,直达CRT。
Nowadays the light collected by the lens or mirror of a telescope is directed to a photographic plate rather than to the astronomer's eye . 被望远镜的透镜或反射镜所收集的光线,如今直接射到照相底板上,而不是天文学家的眼睛里。
To minimize this effect, food aid can be directed to the very poor, who are less likely to use it as an alternative to local supplies . 为了尽量减少这种影响,粮食援助应该面向真正的穷人,因为他们不太可能把援助的粮食代替当地的供给。
Resources have also been directed to programs which aim to raise productivity through better farm management and improved rural health and education service . 还对一些旨在通过农田管理和改善农村卫生和教育服务以提高生产率的规化投入资源。
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